Discover French initiatives committed to a better world at our first Pitch and Give event - March 30th New York

Fondation IÉSEG’s Mission to Improve Diversity and Inclusion Efforts


A Longstanding History and a Mission to Make Positive Change In 1964, IÉSEG School of Management, the business school that is supported by the foundation, was created. Its core mission has been “to train and empower changemakers for a better society.” IÉSEG is a non-profit association under the French law of 1901, with international triple […]

Institut Imagine: Celebrating 10 Years of Life-Changing Research & Care

Imagine N°18

A Brief History The idea for the Imagine foundation first originated in the early 2000s from Prof Claude Griscelli, but did not come into fruition until 2007 (his creation of the Imagine Foundation). In 2014, the doors of the Imagine building in Paris opened. Since then, the institute has acquired many impressive labels, some of […]

SOS MEDITERRANEE: A Humanitarian and Maritime Mission to Rescue Lives at Sea

20210701 Flavio Gasperini SOS MEDITERRANEE DSC 7117

A Search and Rescue Mission to Save Lives After the end of Mare Nostrum, a rescue operation launched by the Italian Government, and the subsequent EU disengagement from search and rescue operations in the area, 2014 faced a huge increase of deaths in the Mediterranean Sea. In 2015, a group of humanitarians and seafarers in […]

Will L’Hermione, the Frigate of Freedom, be able to set sail again in 2025?

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A Symbol of Freedom In 1780, the original frigate was constructed in a naval base located in a town in the southwest of France, Rochefort. It was on this ship that General Lafayette traveled across the Atlantic Ocean to inform George Washington of France’s military support for America’s efforts to gain independence from the grip […]

Taking a Trip Through Times with Musée de Cluny

©Musee de Cluny – musee national du Moyen geJean Marie Heidinger

Returning to Ancient and Medieval Times The buildings of Musée de Cluny offer a realistic glimpse into historical Paris. The museum is housed in the Hôtel des Abbés de Cluny, which was built at the end of the 15th century. Before entering, visitors can check out the remains of the ancient thermal baths of Lutetia, […]