Discover French initiatives committed to a better world at our first Pitch and Give event - March 30th New York
Emmaüs Connect – Fondateur Abbé Pierre (Emmaüs Connect) - banner
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Mission & Vision

Since 2013, Emmaüs Connect – Fondateur Abbé Pierre (Emmaüs Connect) has made digital inclusion its core mission. The transition to digital services threatens to exclude those without access to digital skills and ressources from essential services. To address this unprecedented problem, Emmaüs Connect provides communities with access to technology and enables the development of essential digital skills. Dedicted to furthering the humanitarian legacy of the Emmaüs movement’s founder, Abbé Pierre, it serves individuals facing social and digital preacarity with the goal of making the digital world open to everyone.

Actions Led

Present on 19 French territories, Emmaüs Connect addresses all dimensions of digital illiteracy by providing equipment, facilitating network connectivity, and offering personalized support at its dedicated facilities. Through these initiatives, it has helped hundreds of thousands of people meaningfully connect with the digital space.

Beyond France, Emmaüs Connect has established a pilot project in Benin, where it works with local partners on innovative initiatives that support the most digitally excluded groups: women, young people, and rural inhabitants. Further transnational partnerships include the launching of a European collective to develop technology refurbishment programs which provide low-cost smart phones, tablets, and computers to those in need.

Projects that US Donors can Support

US donors can contribute to fund educational activities and trainings carried out in all Emmaüs Connect solidarity spaces in France, in order to impart essential digital skills to people facing precarious situations, such as young people in need of social or professional integration, isolated elderly people, homeless people or migrants.