Mission & Vision
On the 80th anniversary of the conclusion of World War II, the legacy of D-Day continues to resonate profoundly. The nonprofit organization, “Mission for the 80th Anniversary Commemoration of the Normandy Landings, the Liberation of France, and Victory in Europe,” known as Mission Libération, is dedicated to spearheading the promotional efforts for the 2024-2025 commemorative program.
Under the directive of the President of France, the commemoration of the Liberation of France is a period of remembrance and reflection for the whole nation, as it reaffirms its international bonds as well as its commitment to the republican principles of liberty, equality, and fraternity. The commemorations particularly underscore the vital role of young people, honoring the bravery of fighters and Resistance members, the resilience of affected civilians, the rebuilding efforts guided by enduring republican ideals, and France’s reintegration into the global community.
The program aims to honor those who rose up against tyranny, who fought and suffered to liberate France. Veterans of the Liberation, both French and Allied, including 140 American veterans, will be recognized and honored during the commemoration ceremonies. When asked by a young person what motivated him, the last veteran of the Kieffer Commando, Léon Gautier, who passed away last July, replied: “I did all this because I was taught to love France.” As the last generations of survivors depart, the preservation and transmission of our collective memory of the Liberation events take on a profound significance.
Actions Led
Led by Philippe Etienne, former-French ambassador to the United States and Germany, as well as a former diplomatic adviser to the President of France, the Mission Libération brings together a diverse array of experts, reflecting its cross-ministerial scope and international mission. Guided by General (2S) Michel Delion and Prefect Fabien Sudry, the team collaborates closely with relevant ministries in orchestrating commemorative events, while also engaging regional stakeholders and both national and international partners to amplify local initiatives and underscore the themes central to this 80th anniversary.
To develop the commemorative themes and cross-reference them against historical research, a Scientific and Orientation Council (CSO) has been set up within the Mission Libération. Chaired by Denis Peschanski, Emeritus Director of Research at the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), the CSO brings together around fifteen researchers and historians with expertise in this complex period.
To encourage local initiatives, the Mission Libération launched a certification label in December 2023. The 80th anniversary will bring together all these initiatives, memorabilia, educational tools, cultural and scientific projects to create a national and public memorial library. To date, 2,000 projects have been awarded the label.
The Mission has also launched a number of other initiatives for the public, including a call for testimonials from the children of the Liberation, support for the call for archive collections, and a call for paving and street naming.
Projects that U.S. Donors Can Support
American donors can support the Mission Libération through tax-deductible donations, which will go toward the organization and promotion of the 80th anniversary of D-Day and the Liberation of France program.